“Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); and it can be more or less formal or systematic.[1] In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology, and the philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as "justified true belief." However no single agreed upon definition of knowledge exists, and there are numerous theories to explain it. The following quote from Bertrand Russell's "Theory of Knowledge" illustrates the difficulty in defining knowledge. "The question how knowledge should be defined is perhaps the most important and difficult of the three with which we shall deal. This may seem surprising: at first sight it might be thought that knowledge might be defined as belief which is in agreement with the facts. The trouble is that no one knows what a belief is, no one knows what a fact is, and no one knows what sort of agreement between them would make a belief true. Let us begin with belief."Source: wiki
As we can see there is no concrete description about knowledge. This is a notion, we know it be, but we can’t explain what it is. It is the same like love, death and also life… Because everybody have imagines about this words, but usually not the same. It depends on bad and good, facts and truth which words are also subjective words. In my opinion our world is a one whole like in Buddhist philosophy and everybody have a slice of this cake, but never the whole in our life. This is his or her knowledge…
Of course, if we expanded this term, we will have more and more explanation about these, a bigger knowledge. Like communicating knowledge, situated knowledge, scientific knowledge or also visual knowledge…
Knowledge building
Scardamalia (2002) identifies twelve principles of Knowledge building as follows:
Knowledge building is lifelong process, in a better case we learn more and more about the world as time passes. Knowledge building is working well, if we have a goal to reach and we are motivated. We need this, because if we want connection with the world we must be familiar with it. If we have a bigger knowledge, we have bigger chance to live a happier or a complete life.
E-Learning- Blended Learning- Prensky’s Cognitive Styles
From the 20th century a new world has started. With the advent of computers the communication is faster and we get connected with everything. Nowadays we can live almost a whole life in an apartment with internet connection. We can buy everything, we can fall in love, we can manage our official affairs and we build our knowledge also if we want. Of course I can’t believe it could be a happy life, you can’t get everything through the net, but you have the choice. In Japan there are some people who never go out to the street, they called hikikomori. Unfortunately they are usually depressive people and almost nobody like their lifestyle. It shows, it is better if we don’t leave all of the conservative ways of living, but it’s a fact that mostly we can live an easier life with the computers. That’s the reason why the blended learning seems the best solution.
“ should not be used to replicate existing classroom practices, but should be exploited to do what is not possible in the classroom.” Diana Laurillard, Head of the E-Learning Strategy Unit, Ministry of Education UK
Of course there are a lot of advantages of e-learning. I think for the workers it’s a very big help, because they can’t go to school every day. It is also helpful to normal students, because they can’t meet with their teachers and with the other students every day, but through the web they can consult.
Definition for Blended Learning:
The combination of multiple approaches to learning, blending virtual and physical resources, e.g. combining technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions.
Physical human interactions are missing from e-learning, but blended-learning takes away this problem.
Prensky’s learning styles:
The digital natives do almost everything on internet. They communicating, exchanging, learning and growing up in front of the computer. The younger generation usually play videogames on computers. James Paul Gee collected 36 reasons, why is it good, what are they learning from games.
“I’ve learned to think really fast, and to take risks.” 4th grader, Age 10
In my opinion the people learn a lot from games, but they can spend their time better. I don’t think we take risks in computer games. The risks are out on the streets. I can tell it also about the internet. Nobody cares if you tell your opinion on forums. The critics are very hard on forum, but I think the people less honest than 100 years ago. We take risk on the internet, we say everything there, but in the real life we can’t look to each other eyes.
I think the best solution is, if we try to stand between digital natives and digital immigrants. Both categories have advantages and disadvantages and we will have a bigger knowledge, if we try to understand both.
Connectivism /George Siemens’s theory/
"Connectivism was introduced as a theory of learning based on the premise that knowledge exists in the world rather than in the head of an individual. Connectivism proposes a perspective similar to the Activity theory of Vygotsky as it regards knowledge to exist within systems which are accessed through people participating in activities. It also bears some similarity with the Social Learning Theory of Bandura that proposes that people learn through contact. The add-on "a learning theory for the digital age", that appears on Siemens paper indicates the special importance that is given to the effect technology has on how people live, how they communicate, and how they learn.
Principles of connectivism:
-Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.
-Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources.
-Learning may reside in non-human appliances.
-Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known
-Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.
-Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill.
-Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities.
-Decision-making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision."
-Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.
-Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources.
-Learning may reside in non-human appliances.
-Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known
-Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.
-Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill.
-Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities.
-Decision-making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision."
source: wiki
With the connectivism the learning process has changed. In the past the knowledge was important which was in the people mind, but nowadays the knowledge important which the people can reach. The mankind works in networks together, we can connect to each other easily with the internet. The ego pushed into the background, the individuals help the groups. This is an evolution of mankind, because a group can usually work harder than a single man. It is also better in learning environment, everybody can choose what would she or he do or learn, and they can do it in the best way.
“Image a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing.”
Isotypes and infodesign
Pictograms |
A pictogram is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object.
Isotype (International System of TYpographic Picture Education) is a method of showing social, technological, biological and historical connections in pictorial form.
Ideogram |
An ideogram is a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept.
Logogram |
A logogram is a grapheme which represents a word or a morpheme (the smallest meaningful unit of language).
Very slowly, we’ll get used to a Standardized Generalized Symbol Language (SGSL).
Isotypes |
Air traffic authority completed big books to standardize the order in which instruction should be presented. What technical illustrations and drawings should look like, how language should be used, which icons, pictograms and symbols are appropriate, and so forth. Surgeons have another standardized dialect.
While I was reading about constructivism I met different kind of thinking methods. The same thing was everywhere, the people are dissimilar. Everybody have different knowledge, different social background and different life, and because of these their abilities are also different. Because of that some teachers try to change the pedagogy. They see that the normal teaching styles don’t work, and they thinking in a more practical process. But there are a lot of question about this technic. Is it ok, if the teachers and the students have almost the same rank? Can it motivate the students? It is almost a working process like in standard jobs, doesn’t it? In this way we can learn also in a job.
Somehow this method seems better, than the old one. In the past and in the present the students usually learn in the universities 4-6 years, they learn about a lot of useless knowledge and after that they unable to cope at work. Change must come, and constructivism could be feasible direction
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